Tuesday, September 21, 2010


So, after a long drive, long wait and lots of talking.. Abby's tongue tie is officially snipped. I avoided watching at all costs.. but could hear that my little girl was a trooper. She was a little "off" for a while.. but after a nice nap on the drive home, she was smiling at me as if nothing happened! I have to do tongue exercises with her for a week and the doctor warned me they will be uncomfortable for her.. poor little girl. I did happen to stop off at work after the procedure and Abby got to visit, and we ran into someone who had a tongue tie whose parents opted to wait to snip it to see if it would grow out and it didn't. She had to have the surgery at 4 years old and still has a bit of a speech impediment and her tongue tip never really grew. It made me feel a lot better about the decision, especially since she kept saying I made the right choice.

This is her tonight during her nightly tummy time, looking none the wiser!

So, thanks again everyone for the advise!

Until the next decision...


  1. Yay!! I'm sure she will thank you for making this decision when she's old enough! Congrats mama for making the first heart-wrenching decision. ;)

  2. And here starts a life long decisions for Mom.....You will make good ones and not so good one but you know what??? That's what life is all about...The is NO perfection in this world , just learning experiences. Grand Maman is so happy that it is all over.
