Monday, September 20, 2010

Dear Abby

Tomorrow I am taking you to get your tongue tie snipped. I hope that I made the right decision by getting it done, but only time will tell. I am quite certain I am going to cry when it happens, so feel free to ignore me. I hope it doesn't hurt too much, and that nursing makes all the pain go away. Better yet, I hope it doesn't hurt at all and that you don't even notice it. If this decision makes things worse off for you than you would have been, I hope you know that I had your best interests at heart and tried to do the right thing.
Love you pumpkin bum.


  1. Good Luck Abby and mama! Both of you will do fine, I'm sure!!!

  2. I will say a prayer for my sweet goddaughter. Sending you and Abby good vibes for tomorrow! All will go well. Love ya ♥

  3. Grand Maman is also Praying for my little angel. Hope that all goes well and it wil soon be over...xoxoxo
