Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why I hate the Internet.

Ok.. here comes a rant! I am pretty upset. Friday, Abby went to her 4 month appointment and the doctor asked the same usual questions..
Does she respond to your voice.. Yes
Can she support her head.. Yes
Does she smile .. Yes
Does she coo.. Yes
Does she follow objects with her eyes.. Yes
How many times does she eat a day.. 6-8
How many wet diapers.. too many to count
How many poopy diapers.. every 6 days or so
How long does she sleep at night.. 6-8 hours unless its day 4+ of not pooping

What does the stool look like.. (not going to go into detail to spare you guys..)
You went off dairy right? Are you still off of it?.. No.. there were no changes so I went back on like you suggested.
Is she a happy baby.. She is a lot happier, but still gets upset randomly and seems to be in pain.. like I said 2-3 months ago.. and she doesn't get a lot of sleep when she hasn't pooped..

Ok.. I am going to order a stool test, because it sounds like she has colitis or some sort of irritation with her intestines and that there is a good possibility there is blood in her stool from her GI tract...

WHAT?! So now you think something is wrong? Its the same stuff from 2 months ago (see Spoke too soon..) and just NOW we are getting tests done?? AHH

Ok.. I understand when you hear from someone.. "My baby cries a lot and strains to poop".. that is basically what all babies do. But when I say that she screams sometime in pain and that she cries A LOT.. AND that she doesnt poop, maybe.. just MAYBE you should investigate just a little bit to be on the safe side..!
Ugh.. ok.. breathe.. ok.. ....
The reason I am so upset is that I started looking online.. like any normal, concerned mom would do... you know, some personal investigation on the situations that may arise..
And what pops up EVERYWHERE? Crohn's disease. And ever symptom fits my little girl. I know, I know.. don't jump to conclusions.. but its really hard not to.
I have KNOWN something was up for a long time.. and that something is just not right. A mother just knows.. and I am definitely not one of those paranoid moms that question everything they touch.. every time they sneeze.. etc.
So now I have a lab test to send in of her stool. Doing that today.. and just want to wait there at the Lab to see if there is blood in there. I'm... 99% sure there is. And maybe it isn't Crohn's.. I hope to hell it isn't.. but something is still wrong if there is. And that means that Abby has been uncomfortable for all this time when maybe it could have been treated.. and so I'm mad.
First it was the tongue tie that my Ped wouldn't snip (or any other doctor in the region for that matter..) and now its this. I'm thinking I need to change doctors.. although.. she is extremely nice and I'm sure she thought I was just an overly concerned first-time mother.. and every other doctor out there could have done the same thing.. but.. ahh!
Guess we'll find out...

End Rant.


  1. Ahhh... not a good story :( Sorry that you are going through this, but don't get overly worried until you get the results back, babies can be really sensitive to different food, so perhaps it's just something that is not agreeing with her and making her unable to poop. It could be as simple as stopping that food... if it's something worst, you'll deal with it when it comes, you're a great mama and Abby is lucky to have you.

    As for your Peds - you don't need someone who is nice, you need someone who is good. When something is wrong with our little ones, the last thing we need is to not have 100% faith in our Peds. I'm not saying you should change, but the minute you start loosing faith in her(him?) start looking for a new one. That's just my opinion.

    I'll keep you & Abby in my thoughts and I'm sending positive vibes your way for good test results.

    A, xo

  2. I don't have kids, so my opinion isn't as valuable as others, but as a cat mommy, the internet is the worst! I was convinced my cat had cancer for like 2 months. It's also bad for self-diagnosing. Even its complete lack of validity doesn't stop it from freaking you out. I'm the worst for this. Try to avoid it! (I know, impossible).

    I hope you get to the bottom of what's bothering Miss Abby soon and she feels better!
