Friday, November 5, 2010


So what is today? Let me tell you. It is exactly one week from my moving date and the start of a new life (sort of...). I have moved a ridiculous amount of times in my life. 10 in the last 10 years to be exact. 11 if you count the fact that I am currently living in two different places at once right now. My dad calls me a gypsy. I think he's right, or.. well.. WAS right. This gypsy has found a place where she is going to stay. I like to go where the wind blows me.. but this time the wind has to blow REALLY hard to move me because I am not one person, I'm two :) Now, obviously the wind doesn't actually blow me places (my appetite wouldn't allow that to be physically possible), but situations do. The "wind" is the cost of living, life changes, relationships and most recently, Abby. Before, the combination and requirements that made sense for me to move to and from a place were small. A relationship would get me to move pretty easily. So would a cheaper place to live. Or, being closer to work/school. Now, after this move I am going to have a giant list of requirements to blow this gypsy. A relationship will no longer move me. Not without some kind of serious commitment and a LOT of consideration.. plus.. I'm in no rush. Financially, I am in a really good place moving here. And then there is Abby. I am not going to move her around. This is going to be her home. Ok.. so lets recap.. Relationships.. check. Financial.. check. Abby.. check. Life changes..

Ok. Here is where it hurts. Looking at those words hits home really hard. Makes me scared to move. Reality hasn't really been able to hit yet with all of the hustle and bustle of a newborn around. I thought about it a lot when I was pregnant, but thinking about it and living it are two different things. Life changes are what I lived for. I know, I know.. you are thinking.. "um.. April? Having a baby is a pretty big life change..!" But this life change came as a surprise and now.. I don't see any more changes in the future. I'm sure I will adjust and figure things out. I always do. It will just be another challenge. My dad is right. I am a gypsy. I like change. I like testing my limits. Like keeping busy and being involved in lots of committees and events. My intentions after graduating last June were to head to Japan and teach for a year or two and then return and head off to teacher's college. Well. That can't happen now. I don't even think the teacher's college can. Not for a while at least. My job now, is mom. So, my life will be two things. Being a mom and working to financially support being a mom.
Don't get me wrong. I love my daughter. I am happy to be a mom. But I was very happy before too. I miss that "me".. Sacrifice. You definitely get a better understanding of the word when you are a mom. I definitely understand it.
I'm moving because of it.
All in all, the move is a good thing. A great thing for Abby. As for change.. I will just be put on hold. I can just watch Abby change... right?
This is a good thing.
So.. come on move #11 (12). Lets make this last change a great one.


  1. I think you are making a good change. When we do something in life ,while thinking of others(Abby) .Nothing can go wrong. Your a good mother...:o( Miss Abby...

  2. Change is good. Change is something that you will still get to do and are currently doing. You changed from a Gypsy to a Gypsy Mom :) Abby will 'tie you down' a little for now, but kids don't prevent us from reaching our goals, our dreams. I think our goals and dreams change once we have kids, but you are not 'only' a mom. You are April. A mom. A woman. A dreamer. Don't stop that. Reach for your goals and just figure out a new road that leads to them. A road that has room for both you and little Miss Abby! :)
