Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Super Baby?

So, I'm pretty sure my baby has some sort of super strength. A few nights ago, she pulled herself to stand in her playpen!!! I mean, it didn't last long because she doesn't realize she has to hold on still when she gets up there, but she pulled herself up tons of times. WTF

Isn't this stuff like.. at the 7 month stage? If so.. why is my 4 month old doing it. Rolling over both ways with ease? And sitting. I mean, unaided, grabbing things by herself and not losing her balance sitting. She was doing both before 4 months. Isn't that supposed to happen more around.. say.. the 6 month marker?
While I am SO proud of her for being able to do all this stuff, a big part of me looks at other babies her age and wishes she would have stayed like a newborn longer. They don't get all crazy and wiggly when you try and hold them because they want to try to sit up or walk.

ABBY! Why do you want to hit all your milestones at an incredible pace?!!!!!? Slow down.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go ABBY!!!! Owen was the same - he was always really strong in his legs, that's probably why he started walking this early. They grow up way too fast, but hold on because the fun is just beginning, each day Owen gets fun-er and fun-er and more and more work for me though! hahaha :)
