Tuesday, November 2, 2010

To Pierce Or Not To Pierce..

That is NOT the question! I have known for a long time if I ever had a baby girl that I would pierce her ears at a very young age. I myself remember very vividly getting mine done at the ripe age of 6. SCARY AS HELL! And yes, I know it will hurt Abby.. but she won't remember.. or really have time to build up the anxiety that is only natural when you know you are going to punch a whole through your skin. I have never doubted this decision until I actually HAD a little girl. And I still don't doubt it, but others have made me feel like I should.. "Why don't you wait and let HER decide what she wants to do with her own body?" .. Well.. hmm.. let me put this into perspective..
Line up 100 random women right now and show me one that doesn't have her ears pierced. Maybe there would be some (I would be surprised..) but I'm SURE that the percentage would be very small. Now, out of the women who have their ears pierced, how many wish they didn't? Maybe, again, there would be some (I would be VERY surprised) but, again, a small percentage.
Point is, there is a very good chance she will, in fact, want to have pierced ears, and I would rather her not remember the pain (not that is THAT painful anyways.. I'm sure being slammed and squished between pelvic bones is a bit more painful...) than remember the whole experience like I did. Plus.. lets be honest.. it's super cute!
I'll admit, for the past couple of days I have been just looking at her and pictures of her. Her beautiful, newborn, natural, naked perfection. Melts my heart. Part of me wants to freeze her like this..but, I have to come to terms with the fact that she growing out of the little newborn stage and into her BIG personality. That is the only thing that has been holding me back.. but it won't hold me much longer. I would say, within the next two weeks, the deed will be done. And to everyone who disagrees, you can make your decisions for your own daughter, and I'll make mine :)

Side note: I think this blog might seem like I am over reacting.. which I suppose in a sense I am. I haven't had a blog dedicated to "opinions offered" yet, and I probably should have instead of jumping into this one. If you are not a mom yet, you will find out when you are.. that being a mom means hearing criticisms and opinions on the regular.. sometimes you can take it with a grain of salt, and other times it can boil you enough to blog about it! haha


  1. I was I think...12?...when I got my ears pierced. It was EXCRUCIATING. And the anxiety was terrible. I'd never thought of that until you mentioned it!

    Abby would look so cute with little earrings. Do it when you're ready! (And post pics!)

  2. If I had a girl, I would TOTALLY get it done when they are itty bitty tiny babies. Then you are the one responsible for cleaning it and making sure it doesn't get infected. Can you imagine leaving that up to a 10 yr old or nagging them every day to turn the studs and put the stuff on etc etc etc.

    I don't remember getting mine done either, and I'm so glad my mom did. Those holes NEVER close, even if I go a year without earings, the hole is here to stay. When you get it done later (which I did, a 2nd hole) the darn things were closed shut after not putting anything in them for a little while.

    Anyhow, each mom will make their own decision and they are completely entitled to their opinions, but I don't think you're 'a bad mom' if you get it done, in fact, I'd say you are with the majority on this one....

    Good luck, it will probably hurt you more than it will her :)

    A, xo
