Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Journey of Life

The best and the worst part about life is you can never really plan your journey. All you can do is keep walking forward along the path in front of you. Maybe its an easy downhill walk with beautiful scenery - only appreciated after you see the hill in the distance that inevitably, you will have to climb. Maybe you were forced on a path that you wish you weren't on. Maybe you'll wish you had walked just a bit slower when you had the opportunity. Maybe you should have turned down another path that didn't look as appealing. Maybe...

Almost two years ago I was faced with two paths. One path was straight, and I could see where I was going for miles. One path, was a mountain.
The straight path can tempt some, but not me. I knew that somewhere on the mountain path I would pick up a tiny little passenger, so I started to climb.

Two years ago, if you would have asked me where I would be at this moment, I would have said somewhere in Asia- traveling, teaching, learning, growing- preparing myself for Teacher's College in September. Then who knows where I would be after that.
What am I actually doing? I'm a single mom trying to find some sort of child care for my daughter so I can return to a job that I never saw myself staying with after I graduated from University. A job I need to support us. A job I now, can't leave.

It is hard thinking I will be going back to work only to give half of my pay cheque to childcare. Even harder knowing that, just when she is really starting to become her own person, she is going to be raised by someone else. Even worse, there is so far, only ONE person able to take her in, so I don't really have a choice where she goes.

Here I am, still climbing that mountain. But on my journey, I picked up that passenger. And she is the perfect companion. The climb is still difficult, but the view is spectacular.. and it will only get better as I climb.

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