Friday, July 16, 2010

The Start of Something New

I have decided to start this blog to track the new path my life has taken me on. About 10 months ago I found out I was pregnant and now find myself the mother of a beautiful little girl named Abigail. She will be 3 weeks old tomorrow, so I already have some catching up to do!
The pregnancy was not something planned, so I find myself constantly facing obsticles and challenges I never imagined myself facing.. and gaining more respect for all the single moms out there every day that passes.

I won't have time to go over the past 10 months right now, as she is going to wake up any second.. so I will have to have some blogs dedicated to bringing everything up to date! All I can say right now is so far, every day has given me a new challenge to face and strengthen me as a person and a mother and I am learning a lot about life and myself.


  1. Good job on your 1st post! You are a great mother and Abby is a very precious little girl who I adore!!

  2. Wow I found you. Didn't know you started a blog...good for me I'll get to see more pictures and a lot of good news.
