Friday, July 30, 2010

On the road again..!

So.. its been a while.. I have been busy and am finally getting organized back at my own place! I'm fitting in showers, cleaning.. and sometimes even eating!! And every day that its not raining I have gone for a walk with Abby and she seems to love it!! I think she really is comfortable in her car seat (which is part of the stroller) so I'm hoping it will stay that way when I'm driving!!

My Dad is back down for the weekend from his summer cottage so we are going to drive up and visit him. It is only a 15 minute drive, so I figure thats a safe testing distance. Then tomorrow its off on a 45 minute drive to meet her new friend Maddison! She was born a little over 24 hours after Abby was, and I can't wait for them to meet!! After that.. a week later.. I am going to really push my driving limits..! I am going to drive about 5 hours to my Dad's summer cottage..! I have no idea how I am going to manage, but if I can do 5 hours, I figure I can do anything!
Well..! My time here is being cut short by my once sleeping beauty.. hopefully I will get a chance to write a bit sooner!!


  1. That's great that Abby loves walks!! Woohoo! I have confidence that the drive to your dad's will go well :) Happy to see my lil beanie girl!!
    Miss y'all xox

  2. I'm Monique's friend - thrilled that I found your blog. My little guy, Owen, was born in December, so I've been through most of what you're going through now (even the c-section!!). Give me a shout if you ever want to chat :)

    Looking forward to your posts!

